Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 4: Music Plan and How it Went

*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards.  The weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain day, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme.  I hope that makes sense. :)

*We may sing a few songs I grew up singing this week like “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,” “Down By the Bay,” and “Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar.”

Monday:  We’re planning to go to the library and stay for the hour long fun learning session they have.  We’re also going to pick up some books we found on Pinterest.  They are called Tuba Lessons by T.C. Barlett, The Little Drummer Boy, and I Know a Shy Fellow Who Swallowed a Cello.  You can find these books and more books about music on my Pinterest Board titled Week 4: Music 2015.

How it Went:
We actually made it to the library and got all of our books for the week the day we planned too!  The library learning session is only a half an hour.  We learned about cats today.  I think the more often I bring him the more comfortable he’ll become.  He just kept kind of staring around, not really sure what to do.  He did get involved a couple times though.
We also read all of the books we got from the library today.  We also added a Valentine’s Day book since it’s coming up.  Tuba lessons is just pictures other than the first and last page.  My son liked it.  I Know a Shy Fellow… was a little long for my little guy to pay attention to.  He got a little bored with The Little Drummer Boy also.  That was my favorite one though.  You can sing it or say it.  The Valentine’s book was too long for him also, but I abbreviated it.  We’ll try reading them again when it isn’t so close to bedtime.  Maybe his attention span will be longer.

Tuesday: We will listen to a couple different types of music, so he can hear the difference.  I’m thinking, maybe 4, so we don’t over do it.  Probably Rock (Oldies), Country, Classic, Pop, and we may throw in some church songs as well.  

How it Went:
We listened to all 4 of the types of music mentioned above.  We did 3 to 4 songs of each and didn’t listen to the entire song.  It was more to give him a taste of what types of music are available.  He got a little bored with it, but was dancing to some also.  For the classical music, we used his munchin toy called Mozart Magic Cube.  I bought it of a facebook yard sale site.  That’s also what we will use on Thursday for Musical Hide and Seek.  We also may play a little bit of Rock Band tonight, so he gets more of a taste of playing instruments.  We didn’t end up playing, he was a little grumpy from not getting a long enough nap.

Wednesday:  I think we’ll make the pinterest idea of maracas with an Easter egg, if I can find one.  Currently mine are at my sister’s house in storage, but that sounds like a easy and fun craft idea.

 Our "maraca" with Sprinkles
How it Went:
So, we didn’t do this Wednesday.  I was gone all day and then we didn’t have much time.  We did this Friday, so I’ll talk about it then.

Thursday:  We’re going to play Musical Hide and Go Seek. My son loves the activity Hide and Seek, so we’ll see how he does with this version.  This idea is found on Four Music Games for Toddlers and Preschoolers.  If you have a toy that makes music, hide it and then the kid(s) try to find it before the music stops.  I have a square music toy that plays many different classical music instruments.  That’s what we’re going to use.  I’ll post a picture at the end of this next week.  We also may use the sensory music pin or adapt it from this same pin.

 In the Cupboard was too hard to find
This is the name and brand if you are interested in this toy

How it Went:
We didn’t play this for very long, but he did like.  He didn’t like as much when I made it a little harder.  The only issue we had was that the music wouldn’t stay on long enough for him to find it if I hid it well.  He still enjoyed it and would look for it.  He would dance on his way to finding the musical toy. :)  We also played Rock Band last night.  My little guy had a fun time listening and dancing!  He is too young to participate, but was still able to enjoy through dance!

Friday:  I don’t have tickets to go to an orchestra or concert of any sort, so field trip is out for the week.  We will be doing a sensory bin.  I will use the idea mentioned on Thursday or the pin called sound basket.  I’m leaning towards the sound basket because it’s easier to put together and seems more age appropriate for my little guy.

Sound Sensory Bin with tools for music making
Sound Sensory Bin from a different angle

How it Went:
He loved the “maraca” we made.  I couldn’t get an egg because they were packed and not even where we live.  My mom had some, but they were also buried under all of the our stuff.  So, we used breast milk storage bottles.  I put sprinkles inside and he just loved shaking it!  Maybe we’ll use eggs in April for an Easter activity.
He also really liked the sound basket. I showed him how to do it first instead of letting him figure it out.  I probably should have let him, but it was fun!  I also put a bouncy ball that lights up in the basket for an added sensory experience.

Saturday:  I found a ton of good food ideas that you can look at on my board Music Weekly Theme Ideas 2015, but we choose veggies in the shape of a music note because that was the easiest gluten free one.  I have thought about using carrots, celery, and grapes to make music notes.  That’s probably what we’ll do, I’ll post pics.

My imperfect music notes :)

How it Went: It was fine, quick and easy.  I didn’t try to be too intense and they don’t look perfect, but you get the general idea. 

This week in general went really well.  He had fun and learned a lot.  He loved the book Little Drummer Boy the best out of the three music books we got.  He also liked Tuba Lessons.  When he's a little older, I want to get books with just pictures where he can tell me the story of what he thinks is happening.  I think we'll have to wait until is language skills are a little better though.

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