Sunday, July 17, 2016

Week 17: Safety and Family Plan

I want to get a board where it states the weather, day of the week, month, letter of the week, we’ll also practice numbers by what day it is (Jan 4th).  I may try to incorporate colors weekly.  I may add more, but that is all I can think of right now.  I’m debating about making one or buying one still.  I’m not super crafty, so I’m thinking I may buy one. Almost all of the books we read are Usborne Books. We are in LOVE with them!  I also sell them, so if you would like more info. let me know! :)  If you want to check the books out that I mention, you can click the link and search the name of the book.  Here’s the link:

Week 17: Safety/Family

July 17th- 23rd
This month we are studying about the Safety, but this week we are studying about the holiday, the 4th of July.  This topic is going to be a little harder since Usborne is a company that started in the US.  Kane Miller is another publisher that is part of Usborne and they have a few US type things.  These lesson plans are mostly for my 3 year old son, but I’m adapting them to my 1 year old daughter as well.  They can be adapted for any age.  I have more ideas on pinterest.

Monday 7.18.16 Books
So we don’t really have any books that have to do with safety (we need to work on that).  We’re planning to go the library to see if we can find some, we do however have some books I’ve made with my extended family and both sides of the Tippetts family.  We’ll use those more for my daughter because that’s what she is learning about this week and we’ll talk with my son more about safety.  We do have books that necessitate safety (ie. cooking with the stove, oven, and microwave).  Also, some of the dragon pictures have fire on the pages, so we may talk about and practice avoiding touching fire.  We could use an Ocean book to talk about water safety.  We could you the Cities of the World book to talk about travel safety, sticking by mom and dad, and what to do if you get lost.  Busy Trucks of the Go to talk about driving and walking around cars safety.

Tuesday 7.19.16 Library/Learning
The plan is to talk with Lijah about all sorts of safety; stranger danger, crossing the street, swimming, guns (my husband’s idea), internet safety, choking, stove and oven, health, buddy system, emergencies, fire, etc.

Wednesday 7.20.16 Music/Library
So, I found a few different songs.  The majority of them were about fire safety. Stop, Drop, and Roll (I don’t recognize the name of this song, so I’m planning to look up how the song goes)

Thursday 7.21.16 Activity/Art
I think we’ll play the stop and go game and chat a little bit about crossing the street.  I also read an article not too long ago about teaching your kiddos the meaning of stop.  Every time your child says stop, you stop for example tickling them and then they’ll usually say go again.  I just really want my kids to understand if something that someone is doing makes them feel uncomfortable and they say stop, that that person should stop.  This helps their bodies and also can help protect them from danger (of running into the street).  I won’t stop to be a powerful word full of meaning in our house.

Friday 7.22.16 Field Trip/Food
We practice safety all of the time in our family, but we may walk to the park and practice crossing the street. :)

Saturday 7.23.16 Science/Sensory
We may use the oven and stove and talk about how we can get burned by things that are too hot.  Maybe we’ll cook something while we do it. :)  Then we could use or new Cook Book!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Week 16: Potty Training Plans and How it Went

I want to get a board where it states the weather, day of the week, month, letter of the week, we’ll also practice numbers by what day it is (Jan 4th).  I may try to incorporate colors weekly.  I may add more, but that is all I can think of right now.  I’m debating about making one or buying one still.  I’m not super crafty, so I’m thinking I may buy one. Almost all of the books we read are Usborne Books. We are in LOVE with them!  I also sell them, so if you would like more info. let me know! :)  If you want to check the books out that I mention, you can click the link and search the name of the book.  Here’s the link:

Week 16: Potty Training

July 10th-16th
This month we are studying about the Safety, but this week we are studying about the Potty Training because my son has been practicing.  Any advice is welcome! :)  We’ve been sort of potty training for a few weeks now, but it’s time to get serious.  These lesson plans are mostly for my 3 year old son, but I’m adapting them to my 1 year old daughter as well.  They can be adapted for any age.  I have more ideas on pinterest.

Monday 7.11.16 Books
We will be using See Inside Your Body.  This book helped him to want to go potty in the first place.  The reason it helped him is because he was able to understand where poo and pee come from and I think he needed the visual.  Treats also help. :)  We have some great books for potty training and about the body so little ones understand what’s going on.  Everyone Poops is one of our most famous.  We will also be using A Parent’s Guide to Potty Training (which is an out of print Usborne book).  I’ll add some additional books about the body below.
How it Went:
We were planning to start this, but we didn’t end up starting, we’re just sort of starting.  We suggest to him going potty and sometimes he will.  We’re moving in less than 3 weeks and I think he will revert, so we’re just planning to wait until we move.  I think this will be better for him.  Pushing him into won’t go well because he’s very sensitive and it may turn out worse.

Tuesday 7.12.16 Library/Learning
We’ve talked quite a bit about why our bodies need to go poop and pee, so I think we’ll focus more on why it is important to go to the bathroom on the potty.  My son is very logical and if he sees the benefit for him, he is much more likely to do it.  We have a play date with  friends this day, but other than that we will be in the house all day.  We are starting underwear this day because I'm going to buy all of the supplies Monday.  I decided to wait until he was ready.  He has been able to go poop and pee on the potty several times now.  He's big enough to get on the toilet himself.  Treats have really motivated him so far.  We're going to try potty training him in 3 days, but if he's not ready, I'm not going to push it.  I don't want to make life harder on either of us.  We're planning to use underwear for regular day and diapers for naps and bedtime until we're back in our normal situation (pull-ups when we are no longer gone for the summer, but back to our other house).  We're also going to do a potty chart with stickers.  I'm planning to mini M&Ms as his potty treat.  I just wanted you to know our plan so you could see how this went for us.  According to the potty personality test we took, my son is Puppy and therefore should potty train fairly easily.  I guess we'll see.
How it Went:
We did start using M&M’s.  Sometime he prefered marshmallows. :)  

Wednesday 7.13.16 Music/Library
We’re planning to go the library today.  We’re also going to sing some potty songs.  If you’ve seen the movie Parental Guidance then you may have heard the song, “Come out, come out Mr. Duty (Dudy).”  We love that show and as silly as it may seem, that will be one of our potty songs. :D Poops and Pees and Tinkle Tinkle Little Star This is the Way We Wash Our Hands
How it Went:
We did use the wash your hands song and he wanted me to keep singing it.  I also made up our own when I couldn’t remember how it went.

Thursday 7.14.16 Activity/Art
We tried using fruitloops for aim, but he wanted to eat them, so we may try some cheerios instead this day.
How it Went:
We didn’t get this.

Friday 7.15.16 Field Trip/Food
We’ll probably actually do our field trip on Thursday at our playdate and although I’m planning to put him in a diaper, we will try our friend’s potty out.  In some of my reading about potty training I’ve heard that a different toilet can cause problems, but we’re going to try to nip that in the butt.
I attribute his desire to potty train to this book (See Inside the Body), it helped him visually understand the how and the why which prompted him to try. The treats didn't hurt either. :)

How it Went:
We did do our play date, but we didn’t go potty at our friend’s house.

Saturday 7.16.16 Science/Sensory
We are going to practice washing our hands and play in the water too!
How it Went:
We did last week’s weather activities!