Sunday, August 28, 2016

Week 19: Space Plans

I want to get a board where it states the weather, day of the week, month, letter of the week, we’ll also practice numbers by what day it is (Jan 4th).  I may try to incorporate colors weekly.  I may add more, but that is all I can think of right now.  I’m debating about making one or buying one still.  I’m not super crafty, so I’m thinking I may buy one. Almost all of the books we read are Usborne Books. We are in LOVE with them!  I also sell them, so if you would like more info. let me know! :)  If you want to check the books out that I mention, you can click the link and search the name of the book.  Here’s the link:

Week 19: Space

August 28th - September 3rd
This month we were going to study about jobs and ‘what I want to be when I grow up’ but since we missed some weeks, we decided some other topics were more important to me or my son and one of those is Space.  These lesson plans are mostly for my 3 year old son, but I’m adapting them to my 1 year old daughter as well.  They can be adapted for any age.  I have more ideas on pinterest.

Monday 8.29.16 Books
We’ve got some excellent books on Space as well as some new titles!  We’ll be using Questions and Answers about Space, My Very First Book about Space, On the Space Station (Shine-a-light), and probably Peek Inside Space.  We possible use more, but I’m sharing more books about Space below.

Tuesday 8.30.16 Library/Learning
The story time my friend and I do hasn’t started yet, so we may go to the library this day, but we’re also going to talk about stars, galaxies, and some the the basics of space.  Since he’s been loving to color lately, he may find it fascinating that their are pictures in the sky.

Wednesday 8.31.16 Music/Library
So we are now part of a couple different groups, one of them is music, one is a preschool group, and the other 2 are sports related.  Our music group is on Thursdays, but I’m still going to keep music day on Wednesday for my son so that it goes with our weekly theme.  If/when I teach the class (a bunch of mom’s are switching off), I’ll probably theme it the same as our theme and we’ll only have music once those weeks.  There are a lot of good ones, but I prefer familiar tunes and simple since my son is now trying to sing along with us! :D
Sung to the Farmer in the Dell:
Sung to She’ll be coming around the Moutain:

Thursday 9.1.16 Activity/Art
This is going to be hard!  There are SO many great ones!  I think I’ve narrowed it down to 3.

Nebular Galaxy Jar, we may have to do this one when he’s older:
Food Rockets, this is the one we’ll most likely do:

Friday 9.2.16 Field Trip/Food
I really want to take them to the planetarium!  I need to find out where and when because I may just take my son if it’s later at night.

Saturday 9.3.16 Science/Sensory
We’re going to do the Friction Tricks on pg 50 of 365 Science Activities.  It has to do with rockets!

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