*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards. The weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain day, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme. I hope that makes sense. :)
Monday: We’re planning to go to the library for the half hour reading, playing learning activity. We’ll also pick up our books while there for the week if they have come in. I think all, but one will be there. The ones I have reserved are all on Pinterest. The Three Dinosaurs (135 Book Recommendations for your Toddler), I’ll Love You Forever, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Goldilocks and Three Bears by Buehner (This one is not listed on Pinterest, but since we’re doing an activity with this book later in the week, I thought we should read it as well).
It doesn't have the porridge, but I figure we can use bowls and spoons and pretend.
How it Went:
The library went better this week. He had fun! He couldn’t sit still for the book reading parts, but danced to all the songs. He’s starting to better understand how to act around other kids and how to stay put. :) We learned about Space! They had some fun songs about space that I have copies for Space week. :) We checked out the books mentioned above. I’m saving Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Are you My Mother?, and A Very Hungry Caterpillar for (the last 2 I found!) for the day when we do the activities regarding them. I read him the books ABC, Clip-Clop, and Love You Forever. He liked the ABC book, but the other two weren’t quite entertaining enough for him. It could have been that it was nap time. We’ll try Three Little Dinosaurs later.
Tuesday: We didn’t sing We’re going on a Bear Hunt last week, so we’ll sing it this week. Since last week was music week and we have The Little Drummer book still, we’ll probably just use that song/book as well. Lijah loves to look at the pictures while I sing it to him. Whoever came up with that idea is brilliant (Pictures and a song with the words)!
How it Went:
We didn’t do anything because I had surgery. I’m getting an implant and my post failed due to infection. Since I’m pregnant we’ll try the post again later.
Wednesday: So I’m thinking I’m going to copy the idea of reading a book and making a craft, but just use a book we already have instead of the specific ones she mentioned. My little guy might have a hard time with most of those art projects, so we’ll do something a little more basic maybe a coloring page. I’m planning to read one of our horse or farm books and let him color a pic of a horse. We’ve found tons of horse color pages by just typing in free horse coloring pages in Google.
How it Went:
We did the coloring page as well as read/sang The Little Drummer Boy. Hopefully tomorrow we’ll sing We’re going on a bear hunt. We haven’t been as active with our learning system because we’ve had cousins over and my little guy just wants to play with his cousins. :) We all did the coloring page today! All the kids loved it and got creative with how to color and some add-ons! We even had a unicorn/pegicorn.
Thursday: If I have the book Are you my Mother, I found a fabulous printable book, that’s what we’ll use. So, we’ll make a book as our activity. Another time I would love to try the book printables from Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? The book printable is from the Pin Level One Toddlers and Preschoolers. The matching one I like also and might print that out as well because it’s real animals.
How it Went:
I highly suggest that you do not print it at a FedEx place if you decide to print the book. It was EXPENSIVE! I printed 19 pgs and it was $25! Another place that for some reason wasn’t able to print it for me, it was 66 cents a page and it was $1.24 a page and the FedEx place. We printed Are You my Mother.
Friday: I think if I can find my Very Hungry Caterpillar book then that’s the sensory bin we’ll do.
How it Went:
Yah, we didn’t do the sensory bin. This week was thrown off because we just really like our cousins and all we wanted to do was play with them instead of learn. Although we do learn by play. I think he learned some important social lessons this week, just not the stuff we planned. Well, we still have Saturday.
Saturday: I like the fruit leather books, but I think we’ll do a sandwich book instead for our food.
How it Went:
Again, we struggled, we got a lot of things done, but not learning about books. I’m planning to implement some of these awesome activities next week. I did a lot of preparation for them. I printed out the Are You My Mother? booklet and some coloring pages etc. My husband also fed him all 3 meals, so we didn’t get to do our food sandwich, maybe tomorrow.
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