Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 1:Body Parts Plan and How it Went

Week 1: Body Parts

Mon: Library, Books, and Learning
We couldn’t go to the library because we would be packing all day, so we went to the library on Saturday.  I learned it’s better to search for 2-3 books you want and reserve them then to try to look through them to see which would be good.  We read the 2 books we had help finding.  Lijah loves From Head to Toe by Eric Carle.  The other one we got is My Baby Brother Has Ten Tiny Toes by Laura Leuck.  I liked the illustrations better than the other one, but changed baby brother to baby sister.  The pages have too many words for his 19 month attention span.

Tues: Music/Dance
We sang 3 songs that have to do with body parts.  Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes was one.  The other two I have on pinterest.  One is to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb.  It goes like this, “Lijah has a little nose, little nose, little nose.  Lijah has a little nose, it’s oh so nice to tickle.”  Then you move on to another body part. The picture is a mom’s finger, touching a babies nose.  The other one is a picture of jungle animals and it’s a song for the bath and says that on the pic.  The tune is at the bottom and not a familiar one, so unless I sing it a whole lot, I’ll need to keep looking it up.  It was fun though, but would have been better if I could remember the tune and words.  I think I’ll write the words on here…
Down in the jungle where nobody goes,
There’s a big fat elephant washing his toes,
With a rub-a-dub here, and a rub-a-dub there,
That’s the way he washes his toes!
With a rub,  dub, rub-a dub-a-rub-a-dub,
Rub,  dub, rub-a-dub-a-rub-a-dub,
Rub,  dub, rub-a-dub-a-rub-a-dub,
That’s the way he washes his toes!
Down in the jungle where there’s nobody there,
There’s a great big lion washing his hair,
With a rub-a-dub here, and a rub-a-dub there,
That’s the way he washes his hair!
(repeat chorus)
Down in the jungle, if you look in the trees,
There’s a cheeky monkey washing his knees,
With a rub-a-dub here, and a rub-a-dub there,
That’s the way he washes his knees!
(repeat chorus)
Down in the jungle if you care to check,
There’s a very tall giraffe washing his neck,
With a rub-a-dub here, and a rub-a-dub there,
That’s the way he washes his neck!
(repeat chorus)
Down at the river, if you look underneath,
There’s a great big crocodile brushing his teeth,
With a rub-a-dub here, and a rub-a-dub there,
That’s the way he brushes his teeth!

Wed: Art/Crafts/Coloring
We colored a couple pictures of a book I printed of body parts.  We didn’t finish, he doesn’t love coloring quite yet.  He likes it, but for short spurts and maybe 2 pics at most.  The pic to find a copy on Pinterest is a chubby baby hand and arm with the hand circled.  It’s a cartoon.  I did make a copy already though for our little girl!  We might finish it tomorrow or Friday or Saturday, we’ll see.

Thurs: Games/Activities
We were going to do a ziplock bag book that I found on Pinterest.  The pic to find it again looks just like that.  It even says, “make a book out of ziplock bags.”  I forgot to take and print pics of Lijah’s body parts, so we are going to do Head Shoulders Knees and Toes art activity on Pinterest.  It’s a color and then I’ll cut it type thing.  Just kidding the ziplock bag was going to be Friday.  I think the Head, Shoulders, Knees, activity we’ll save for Friday since we have a simple activity for tomorrow and it’s another packing day.  It’s called Body Race (also from Pinterest, but I’m not going to look it up, it’s pretty self-explanatory).  I’ll say to Lijah, Run to me and Touch my Knee (substitute whichever other body part).  Then give him a sticker and start over at the base. He really enjoyed this for about 5 minutes and then was done.  Something else I learned is you can do the same things over and over in short spurts and they have fun with it.

Fri: Fieldtrip/Learning
So as I mentioned earlier, no ziplock bags.  We’ll probably color the body and cut it up.  Cartoon body with dotted line twice to separate head, shoulders, knees, and toes.  That’s what we did and he loved it.  He starting to really like coloring in short spurts and wants to do it several times a day.

Sat: I’m going to make him a sandwich face. He liked it and I pointed everything out to him before I gave it to him to eat. :)

So that was our week! It went really well and was really simple so far.  Just printing and going to the library we’re prep.  Well and looking over the lesson a little for spiritual.  We keep singing the songs and reading the books throughout the week.  He has gotten better about identifying body parts and learned where his shoulders are.  Knees and Hips are still hard, but he’s got his head down pretty much perfect! :)  I think I’ll still work with him on body parts, just not so exclusively like this week.  It also seems like his language skills are improving immensely this week and I want to think it’s because of all of our time and work! ;)

*Things we didn’t do that I wanted to/planned to do*
Ziplock Bag Books:  Get as many pgs as I want and put two back to back.  Put the pics on scrapbook paper and print labels, ie. Foot.  Tape pgs together with double sided tape and then tape with duct tape (could staple for extra protection) or get a piece of fabric to sew together.  Then I can use it for body parts book or switch it out  as many times as I want.  IF I’m feeling really dedicated I could mod podge a board book with our pics and words.

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