*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards. The weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain day, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme. I hope that makes sense. :)
So far, I’ve learned through planning that it would be much better to do clothes and body parts together. In our case this year though, I feel like it’s more developmentally appropriate to keep them separate. Next year, they will for sure be together.
Monday: The books we’ve chosen were the only ones I could find on Pinterest. They are called the Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed and the Emperor's New Clothes. I also have some books that have a page of clothes or getting dressed that we’ll probably use. We’ll also attend the library’s learning half hour.
How it Went:
The Emperor’s New Clothes wasn’t ready at the library, but we read the Naked Mole Rat. At the library we learned about Numbers. My little one can say 6 pretty well. :) There wasn’t many kids due to the rain. He had fun and liked the book. We also reviewed and had him say some names of clothes.
Tuesday: I haven’t found any songs as of yet that have to do with clothes, another part of the reason I think I want to put clothes and body parts together. We will be singing We’re Going on a Bear Hunt this week because they book that we reserved at the library didn’t come through for last week. I think we’ll sing the Hat and Mittens song to Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. I like the colors one, but since he doesn’t have his colors down yet, that one won’t work for us.
How it Went:
So, I don’t really remember how the song for We’re Going on a Bear Hunt goes. We’ve read it though. I used 5 Little Snowmen and instead of saying it like a poem, I sang/adapted it to 5 Little Monkeys Swinging from a Tree (Teasing Mr. Alligator..). He kept saying “Monk,” he recognized it as the monkey song that we have sang a lot plus we sang it at the library. :) He really likes that song. We also sang the Hat, scarf, mittens, and boots song, sang to Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. He liked that one too. We also colored a Valentine’s picture for his uncle on LDS mission and a happy birthday for his other uncle’s birthday yesterday.
Wednesday: I haven’t really mentioned this, but since I couldn’t find much info on this subject, I’m going to have to get creative. I think I will draw a stick figure (I’m not an artist) and then draw basic clothes on my stick figure. I’ll have Lijah repeat the names of the clothes as I draw them. Afterwards, I’ll have him color the picture.
Definitely not a great drawing, but we got the message across. :)
How it Went:
We have more time generally on Wednesdays then Tuesday and Thursdays, so if it’s a holiday that week (like how it’s Valentine’s Day Saturday), I’ll throw in some extra activities. Today we re-read the Valentine’s book, Monday we colored a picture for his uncle on LDS mission, and I’ll probably throw in makes cookies or something Friday. :)
We also did the stick figure idea. Not a great drawing, but we added the essential clothing as well as cold weather clothes. I’ll post a picture, but FYI I have no drawing ability. He also repeated the words as I drew the clothes. He didn’t say them perfectly since he’s still learning, but he attempted! :) We also read Goldilocks and the Three Bears from last week and I colored them and maybe Friday we’ll act out the story. The book is kind of long for him, but I think because he was tired when we read it, he was able to pay attention. We also had a random sensory moment! I wasn’t feeling well and laying in bed in the dark and my little one came to cuddle. We were playing with my blanket and he noticed the light static makes. We started trying to do it. He was pretty mesmerized by it!
Thursday: I want to do the activity sheet Body Parts PreK Worksheet- Preschool Science. It might not be developmentally appropriate for him, but I could always cut it out and make it more age appropriate. :) So for some reason I’m not able to get that worksheet, it doesn’t even show up, so we did the other one called Clothes and Body Parts. My little guy isn’t old enough to draw a straight line, so I’m going to cut them out and let him pair them together.
How it Went:
We didn’t get to this activity. Today was a crazy busy day for us. We’ll add it in tomorrow when we have hardly anything. :)
Friday: We may take a field trip to the park. We may be having lots of field trips to the park since the weather is nice and also I think it’s very important kids play outside. We’ll talk about different clothes we wear to go outside depending on the weather, ie. coat, jacket, rain coat, etc. If we don’t make the time for this, we can talk about different clothes and feel the different materials for a sensory bin idea.
Matching the article of clothing to the right body part
How it Went: We did the activity from yesterday. I think it was a little bit too advanced for him, but he was being silly at the same time. I think I’m going to make a quiet book with Velcro and either loose sleeves or laminated pages and put them in there to help them learn. My printer was running out of ink, so the coloring is a little weird, but it works. We aren’t going to be making cookies today because I would need a wheat free recipe which I could get pretty easily on Pinterest, but it’s more to make Valentine’s cookies with cousins. Maybe next week or not at all. We also went to the park and talked about the clothes we wear when it’s cold outside. It definitely wasn’t cold outside. He even took off his jacket, but had a blast going down the slide, playing with wood chips, exploring, and rolling down the hill. Outside time is so great and important for all kids! :)
The scarf definitely looks more scarf-like then the shirt
How it Went:
He thought it was a little strange and didn’t really understand, not to mention it doesn’t really look like a shirt, but he’ll get it next year if we do that again! :)
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