Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 11: Zoo Animals 2016 Plan

I want to get a board where it states the weather, day of the week, month, letter of the week, we’ll also practice numbers by what day it is (Jan 4th).  I may try to incorporate colors weekly.  I may add more, but that is all I can think of right now.  I’m debating about making one or buying one still.  I’m not super crafty, so I’m thinking I may buy one. Almost all of the books we read are Usborne Books. We are in LOVE with them!  I also sell them, so if you would like more info. let me know! :)  Starting next time, I’m just going to have the link to my Usborne website right here only and have pictures of the books.  Then if you want to check them out you can click the link and search the name of the book.  Here’s the link:

Week 11: Zoo Animals

May 22nd-28th
This month we are studying about Animals and we’re studying about the animals that live in Zoos.  These lesson plans are mostly for my 3 year old son, but I’m adapting them to my 1 year old daughter as well.  They can be adapted for any age.  I have more ideas on pinterest:

Monday 5.23.16 Books
We have so many books about animals, they’re one of my sons favorite things in life.  In fact when he says his prayers at night, some animals are included that he’s grateful for. :)  Since tigers and lions are some of his favorites and they don’t live in the same place in the wild, I decided to lump them together in zoo.  We have so many wonderful books with animals and zoo animals.  I seriously only have a few pictured below.  There are only a couple pictures below that we don’t have, but we don’t have all our books with us. We moved to Idaho for a few months while my husband is doing his internship and we only brought what would fit in 2 cars, so we don’t have all our books. :( So, the books we’ll be using are First Zoo Sticker Book, Illustrated Alphabet,Look Inside the Jungle and Animally for my 3 year old(all of which he adores).  We’ll be using Slide and See Animals, Animals Playbook, and Alphabet Picture Book.  We use all these books all the time anyway (I just have to give a shout out to Animals Playbook.  If you have kiddos that are very hands on, they will love this book and it’s a customer special right now.  If you spend $40, you get it $5 cheaper!  I don’t usually do this, but because we love it so much, I thought I would let you know. ;))

Tuesday 5.24.16 Library/Learning
Since we just moved here, I’m not sure when they library has things going on, but if they do this day, we’ll miss it, so we’ll just focus on learning.  We will talk about the animals commonly found at zoos or maybe specifically in the Boise zoo and what they eat, who takes care of them, the difference between a zoo and the wild, etc.

Wednesday 5.25.16 Music/Library
We’ll sing 5 Little Monkeys, Tommy the Tiger, Going on a Lion Hunt all of which you can find on Pinterest:

Thursday 5.26.16 Activity/Art
We are planning to go the zoo and do an art project or activity on Friday instead.  The zoo is half off on Thursdays. :)

Friday 5.27.16 Field Trip/Food
I left all of our art supplies at our other house in Utah, so I think we’ll probably do activities instead of art projects while we’re here in Idaho.  We’ll probably do something simple. My plan is to have my 3 year old act like the animals I name.  He loves to play lions and tigers and my 1 year old is learning animal sounds, so I think this will work for both of them.

Saturday 5.28.16 Science/Sensory
I think we’ll do sensory in the grass.  We’ll pretend that the grass is the zoo or the jungle.  We have a few jungle animals with us.  We also didn’t bring many toys, but we’ll use what we have. :)

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