I want to get a board where it states the weather, day of the week, month, letter of the week, we’ll also practice numbers by what day it is (Jan 4th). I may try to incorporate colors weekly. I may add more, but that is all I can think of right now. I’m debating about making one or buying one still. I’m not super crafty, so I’m thinking I may buy one. Almost all of the books we read are Usborne Books. We are in LOVE with them! I also sell them, so if you would like more info. let me know! :) If you want to check the books out I mention, you can click the link and search the name of the book. Here’s the link: h4006.myubam.com
Week 12: Pets (Animals)
May 29th- June 4th
This month we are studying about Animals and we’re studying about the animals that are usually pets this week. These lesson plans are mostly for my 3 year old son, but I’m adapting them to my 1 year old daughter as well. They can be adapted for any age. I have more ideas on pinterest.
Monday 5.30.16 Books
We don’t have books that are specifically about Pets, but many of our books have pets in them. We’re planning to read I Want to Be a Lion Tamer, Peek Inside Animal Homes, and Animally again that are more geared towards my son. We’ll also read the Animals Playbook, Animal Noises, and Alphabet Picture Book. I also think many of our farm books would work, including My Farm Animal World pictured below.
Tuesday 5.31.16 Library/Learning
I looked up some library info, if we don’t do our playdate, I think we’ll go check out the library, otherwise, we’ll talk about animals that are common pets and define what a pet is.
Wednesday 6.1.16 Music/Library
We are planning to sing Old McDonald Had a Farm Bingo, and Mary Had a Little Lamb. I know many people who have chickens as pets or farm animals in general. I wasn’t super impressed with the songs I found on pinterest, but I added some on Pinterest anyway.
Thursday 6.2.16 Activity/Art
I think we’ll just make it simple and do color pictures of pets.
Friday 6.3.16 Field Trip/Food
We’re going to go Petco. We may go again when they have puppy time. I’ve heard of it before, but I don’t know if all Petco’s do it or not.
Saturday 6.4.16 Science/Sensory
Many people around here have pets, so we may just go to a park and pet some dogs as our sensory activity.