*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards. Most of the weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain days, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme. I hope that makes sense. :)
Just fyi, I may not follow my weekly plans exactly. Sometime this year we will do a potty training week and I also combined TV shows and Movies into one week. I also want to do Colors and Shapes again this year, so there may be minor changes, but you will know about them if you follow my blog. :)
*Most of these came from my own ideas, I didn’t use Pinterest that much for this week.
Monday: I am making plans now and today is Tuesday, so I’m going to just tell you how things went for Monday. Library/Books We do have two books to read, Baby Sister, Look and Say (an Usborne book) and one I ordered a while ago about becoming a big brother on Amazon.
How it Went:
So, Brian and I had a conference all day in Provo, so my mom and sister watched him for us. They did go to the library and learned about bugs. I however didn’t take back or pick up any books from the library, that’s the plan for Thursday when I have my doctors appointment.
Tuesday: I also hadn’t planned for today. Songs/ Music We’ll try to find some music for Thursday probably.
How it Went:
We did however receive our Usborne books in the mail today and one of about having a baby sister, so we did read that book. I also have another baby book about having a baby sibling that we will read tomorrow or Thursday depending on when we have time.
Wednesday: So most of what I have pinned under babies weekly theme idea 2015 is about siblings and how to help him a adjust which is a focus I would like to have for this week, but I’m going to have to get creative in my plans. Many of them may be my ideas instead of Pinterest because I’m not sure if they’ll have what I’m looking for. For our art today, I think I’ll draw a picture of a baby and have him color it. We’ll talk about “sis” because that’s what we call her and maybe talk about things being different when she comes. We may talk about this before putting him down for his first nap.
How it Went:
We didn’t get to this, but it’s not super difficult or complicated so we may add it to Friday! :) We did read the book about becoming a big brother.
Thursday: I think maybe we’ll do an activity that you do with a young baby. This will maybe help him understand from her perspective and give him an idea of what to expect. I’m thinking I’ll just lay him on his back on a blanket and try to get him to smile. Maybe “coo” and tell him how at first, that’s all that baby “sis” can do is lay on her back.
How it Went:
I drew the baby this day and had him color it. We didn’t get to the planned activity.
Friday: I was thinking about doing a sensory bin instead of a field trip because he’ll experience having a new baby soon enough. I’m not sure what I’ll do though. Maybe just put some of sisters clothes and play things into a bin and let him explore and talk about each thing.
How it Went:
We didn’t get to this either, but I think we may do it tomorrow because tomorrow’s activity is fairly simple.
Saturday: For a food, I’m thinking something simple like applesauce and telling him about how babies drink milk for a while and then when they start eating food, how it has to be smashed or something to that effect! We’ve had a couple of these conversations before, but we need to keep having them even after this week is over, so he’ll be a little prepared for baby sis to come.
How it Went:
We talked about this and I explained it to him in less than a minute. He paid attention really well and I think he understood. :) He’s getting so big and smart! It’s so fun to watch him learn and grow! We didn’t have time to do any of the other activities that we didn’t get to this week.
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