Saturday, April 25, 2015

Week 17: Colors and Shapes Plan 2015

*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards.  Most of the weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain days, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme.  I hope that makes sense. :)

Just fyi, I may not follow my weekly plans exactly.  Sometime this year we will do a potty training week and I also combined TV shows and Movies into one week.  I also want to do Colors and Shapes again this year, so there may be minor changes, but you will know about them if you follow my blog. :)

Colors and Shapes

As you may have noticed, I completely skipped week 16: Sharing/Please and Thank You.  It was sort of an accident, but I do feel like we focus on those things a lot normally.  I may do them again later, but decided to repeat Colors and Shapes.

Monday:  We haven’t been going to the library lately because if there are sick kids, I don’t want my little guy or I to get sick right before I have his little sister.  We will read some great color and shape books I already have.  He has the great app on my iPad, where he can match shapes.  I have the free version of it and it’s called Lotto 1 (it also have matching clothing).  It’s really helped him to learn to recognize shapes!  It has 8 different shapes.  We’ll try the same thing we did last time and just focus on one shape and one color per day.  I’ll try to post some pictures of our color books.  Red and Heart

Tuesday:  We’ll probably sing some of the same songs as the last time we did this.  This time around we’ll sing the general songs, not color specific.  The pins are called Colors Song 2 - Youtube and Shapes Song  Shapes song for Children - Youtube  Orange and Rectangle

Wednesday:  I think my sons fine motor skills are better now then when we did this art activity last time, but toilet papers rolls aren’t very stiff, so I think we’ll try milk lids this time around and see if it goes better.  Yellow and Circle

Thursday: I’m not going to attempt the activity I had planned for last time because I still don’t have enough wipe lids (I really should start collecting them though).  I think we’ll do jump to the color or shape.  My son has been in love with jumping lately, so I think he’ll enjoy this activity.  Green and Triangle

Friday:  I really want to make sensory water bottle with colors in the them.  My main focus should be to make a rainbow one and a blue one since today is Blue and Square.    

Saturday:  For food, I think we’ll try the fruit skewers again...Since I’m 39 weeks pregnant and haven’t been going to the store, there is no guarantee we’ll have all the colors we need...if we don’t I’ll just do the same thing as last time and we’ll talk about the colors of the foods he’s eating.

*Some or all of this may not happen depending on if/when our little girl decides to show up.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week 15: Treat Others with Kindness and Respect/Be Nice 2015 Plan

*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards.  Most of the weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain days, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme.  I hope that makes sense. :)

Just fyi, I may not follow my weekly plans exactly.  Sometime this year we will do a potty training week and I also combined TV shows and Movies into one week.  I also want to do Colors and Shapes again this year, so there may be minor changes, but you will know about them if you follow my blog. :)

Be Nice/Treat Others with Respect/Kindness

Monday:  We need to return a book to the library, so we’ll most likely go, it just depends if I can get my order for my business party submitted before we need to leave.  If I get that done, we’ll stay for the little class.  I’m not getting any books from the library this week, I have one that will work and I’m planning to order another that will come later this week.  It’s definitely for older children, but I definitely want it in my collection.  My book is called the Tale of Two Beasts.  It teaches children to look at things from another perspective and not just their own.  I think this is hard for most of us even as adults, but I think it’s an invaluable lesson and will help anyone who is able to learn it for their whole life.  The other book is called Do Nice, Be Kind, Spread Happy.  These books are both Usborne Books and More and since I now have a business with this company and am in love with these books, most of my suggestions will come from these books.

Tuesday: We are going to sing to songs from the LDS Children’s Songbook; When We’re Helping, p.198b and A Happy Helper, p.197a

Wednesday: I think we’ll do a service this day.  I’m thinking we’ll draw a picture for someone, probably my brother who is in Mexico on an LDS mission.

Thursday:  I don’t really know what food could go along with the concept of “Be nice,” but maybe we’ll talk about and practice sharing during meals.

Friday:  My son hasn’t had much experience with other cultures, people with disabilities, or people that are different from him in general.  I may try to expose him to this.  He’s still really young, but I think those differences have greatly enhanced myself and I think it will do the same for him throughout his life.  I’m not sure how will go about this yet, but for now we may try a sensory bin.

Saturday:  We will probably make cookies for someone!  That might be fun for my little guy!  Maybe we’ll plan on that and talk about who we could take them to and some reasons why we might take food to people.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Week 14: Babies 2015 Plan and How it Went

*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards.  Most of the weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain days, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme.  I hope that makes sense. :)

Just fyi, I may not follow my weekly plans exactly.  Sometime this year we will do a potty training week and I also combined TV shows and Movies into one week.  I also want to do Colors and Shapes again this year, so there may be minor changes, but you will know about them if you follow my blog. :)


*Most of these came from my own ideas, I didn’t use Pinterest that much for this week.

Monday: I am making plans now and today is Tuesday, so I’m going to just tell you how things went for Monday. Library/Books  We do have two books to read, Baby Sister, Look and Say (an Usborne book) and one I ordered a while ago about becoming a big brother on Amazon.

How it Went:
So, Brian and I had a conference all day in Provo, so my mom and sister watched him for us.  They did go to the library and learned about bugs.  I however didn’t take back or pick up any books from the library, that’s the plan for Thursday when I have my doctors appointment.

Tuesday:  I also hadn’t planned for today.  Songs/ Music  We’ll try to find some music for Thursday probably.

How it Went:
We did however receive our Usborne books in the mail today and one of about having a baby sister, so we did read that book.  I also have another baby book about having a baby sibling that we will read tomorrow or Thursday depending on when we have time.

Wednesday:  So most of what I have pinned under babies weekly theme idea 2015 is about siblings and how to help him a adjust which is a focus I would like to have for this week, but I’m going to have to get creative in my plans.  Many of them may be my ideas instead of Pinterest because I’m not sure if they’ll have what I’m looking for.  For our art today, I think I’ll draw a picture of a baby and have him color it.  We’ll talk about “sis” because that’s what we call her and maybe talk about things being different when she comes.  We may talk about this before putting him down for his first nap.

How it Went:
We didn’t get to this, but it’s not super difficult or complicated so we may add it to Friday! :)  We did read the book about becoming a big brother.

Thursday:  I think maybe we’ll do an activity that you do with a young baby.  This will maybe help him understand from her perspective and give him an idea of what to expect.  I’m thinking I’ll just lay him on his back on a blanket and try to get him to smile.  Maybe “coo” and tell him how at first, that’s all that baby “sis” can do is lay on her back.

How it Went:
I drew the baby this day and had him color it.  We didn’t get to the planned activity.

Friday:  I was thinking about doing a sensory bin instead of a field trip because he’ll experience having a new baby soon enough.  I’m not sure what I’ll do though.  Maybe just put some of sisters clothes and play things into a bin and let him explore and talk about each thing.

How it Went:
We didn’t get to this either, but I think we may do it tomorrow because tomorrow’s activity is fairly simple.

Saturday:  For a food, I’m thinking something simple like applesauce and telling him about how babies drink milk for a while and then when they start eating food, how it has to be smashed or something to that effect!  We’ve had a couple of these conversations before, but we need to keep having them even after this week is over, so he’ll be a little prepared for baby sis to come.

How it Went:
We talked about this and I explained it to him in less than a minute.  He paid attention really well and I think he understood.  :)  He’s getting so big and smart!  It’s so fun to watch him learn and grow!  We didn’t have time to do any of the other activities that we didn’t get to this week.

Week 13: Ocean and Beach Plan and How it Went 2015

*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards.  Most of the weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain days, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme.  I hope that makes sense. :)

Just fyi, I may not follow my weekly plans exactly.  Sometime this year we will do a potty training week and I also combined TV shows and Movies into one week.  I also want to do Colors and Shapes again this year, so there may be minor changes, but you will know about them if you follow my blog. :)

Ocean and Beach Week

Monday:  We are planning to go the library this week.  We need to return some books and we’ll need to pick some up.  Also discovery time at the library is back.  We requested I Spy Under the Sea and also Curious George Goes the the Beach.  We also have a few different books we can use about sea creatures as well as books that have animated pictures of creatures in the Ocean.

How it Went:
Forewarning- this week was insanely busy for us, so we definitely didn’t get to follow our plan!  It was Spring Break and I had my first party with my new business, so I’ve been focused on other things!  I’m hoping I get the balance soon though.  We went to the library and got the only book that was read was the I Spy Under the Sea one.  We did read it and he really liked it (especially after we went to the Aquarium).  Discovery time was fun too!

Tuesday:  Lijah loves the 5 little monkeys swinging in a tree, so we’ll probably do that same song that I pinned about 5 little fishes.  If I have time (big if), I’ll color 5 little fishes and a shark.  We also are planning to go the Aquarium this day for our field trip.  I think because of that we will only do the one song this week.  Since there are soo many good sensory ideas for Ocean/Beach week, we’ll still do a sensory bin or bottle for this week even though we are doing a field trip as well.

How it Went:
We didn’t end up going to the Aquarium this day.  I did however sing him the 5 little fishes song, but he wanted me to sing him the monkey song instead.

Wednesday:  We’re planning to do the Turtle Puppet.  I think I’ll color it first since he hasn’t been into coloring lately!  He likes this monkey puppet we have, so I think he’ll like this.  Plus it says T is for Turtle and letters are what we learned about for most of March.  Maybe I’ll have him help me glue it so it will be an art activity for him.

How it Went:
We definitely didn’t get to this, I was busy with the aftermath of the party.  I do think he would like the puppet idea, so we may do this for another week with a different animal.  

Thursday:Ocean in a box, I love the idea of the sand so you get the beach effect too, but we don’t have sand.  I know I could make some, but we can’t use wheat which I believe most of them do because of allergies.  The nice thing is sensory ideas can also be activities!

 Star Fish Touch Pool
 Check out that shark!
 Shark right above us
 Not the best picture, but a Sea Turtle
 My son's favorite, the sea horse.  Well it's a toss up between the sea horses and the sharks.

How it Went:
We went to the Aquarium this day!  He absolutely loved it!  His favorite was the sharks!  He didn’t want to leave.  He seriously sat there for like a half an hour (at least that’s what it felt like) just watching!  He also really liked the penguins.  He really enjoyed all of it.  I was really impressed.  It was way better than the other one they use to have except for the touch pools aren’t as cool or as easily accessible and you couldn’t see the octopus very well, but other than that, I highly recommend it.  Maybe choose a less crowded  day.  It’s also a little expensive.  He also really like the sea horses and since we’ve read the I Spy book since then, he’s really liked the sea horses.  It makes sense, horses are his favorite animal.

Friday:  I think we may do the Ocean sensory bottle, but we may also do the Ocean in a box idea!  Maybe we’ll do the Ocean in box idea for Thursday.

How it Went:
We definitely didn’t get to this activity either, but I still want to do it.  He did have a bug sensory bin on Easter though! :)  We may or may not do the pretty much the same bug sensory bin for bug week! :)

Saturday:  I’m planning to do the pirate ship with the blue jello ocean, orange, and toothpick with the little pirate flag food idea.  We may not focus a lot on pirates, but there are so many fun kids movies and ideas with pirates that I want to add it in a little bit.

How it Went:We didn’t get to do this either, Saturday was a very busy day for us.  We didn’t really get to talk about the beach or anything about pirates.  If we have time this year, we may do Ocean/Beach week again, if not we may do it earlier next year.  Even though, we didn’t get to do all of our plans, he understands and likes the ocean a lot more, which is my goal.  We also will get our beach book next week and may touch on this topic again next week.  We also just got a book from Usborne about the Ocean (that’s my new business), so we can study it some more with the lift the flaps books from Usborne.  If you are interested in checking out these books, here’s a link: