*All of the daily ideas I’m using come from Pinterest and you can find them on my Pinterest Boards. Most of the weekly ideas are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest Boards.* P.s. If you are wondering why certain words are bolded certain days, it’s because each day of the week that is our daily theme that relates to our weekly theme. I hope that makes sense. :)
Just fyi, I may not follow my weekly plans exactly. Sometime this year we will do a potty training week and I also combined TV shows and Movies into one week. I also want to do Colors and Shapes again this year, so there may be minor changes, but you will know about them if you follow my blog. :)
Colors and Shapes
As you may have noticed, I completely skipped week 16: Sharing/Please and Thank You. It was sort of an accident, but I do feel like we focus on those things a lot normally. I may do them again later, but decided to repeat Colors and Shapes.
Monday: We haven’t been going to the library lately because if there are sick kids, I don’t want my little guy or I to get sick right before I have his little sister. We will read some great color and shape books I already have. He has the great app on my iPad, where he can match shapes. I have the free version of it and it’s called Lotto 1 (it also have matching clothing). It’s really helped him to learn to recognize shapes! It has 8 different shapes. We’ll try the same thing we did last time and just focus on one shape and one color per day. I’ll try to post some pictures of our color books. Red and Heart
Tuesday: We’ll probably sing some of the same songs as the last time we did this. This time around we’ll sing the general songs, not color specific. The pins are called Colors Song 2 - Youtube and Shapes Song Shapes song for Children - Youtube Orange and Rectangle
Wednesday: I think my sons fine motor skills are better now then when we did this art activity last time, but toilet papers rolls aren’t very stiff, so I think we’ll try milk lids this time around and see if it goes better. Yellow and Circle
Thursday: I’m not going to attempt the activity I had planned for last time because I still don’t have enough wipe lids (I really should start collecting them though). I think we’ll do jump to the color or shape. My son has been in love with jumping lately, so I think he’ll enjoy this activity. Green and Triangle
Friday: I really want to make sensory water bottle with colors in the them. My main focus should be to make a rainbow one and a blue one since today is Blue and Square.
Saturday: For food, I think we’ll try the fruit skewers again...Since I’m 39 weeks pregnant and haven’t been going to the store, there is no guarantee we’ll have all the colors we need...if we don’t I’ll just do the same thing as last time and we’ll talk about the colors of the foods he’s eating.
*Some or all of this may not happen depending on if/when our little girl decides to show up.